Community guidelines

Likeplan is a reflection of our diverse community, which encompasses diverse cultures, various age groups, and a wide spectrum of beliefs. We’ve dedicated considerable thought to accommodating differing perspectives, thereby establishing a secure and inclusive space for all.

To uphold and safeguard this wonderful community, we’ve devised a set of Community Guidelines. When you engage with Likeplan, you are acknowledging your agreement to these guidelines, along with our Terms & Conditions. We are firmly committed to upholding these principles, and we encourage you to do the same. Breaching these guidelines may result in the removal of content or the deactivation of accounts.

  • Please share only photographs and videos that you have taken or hold the proper rights to share. You retain ownership of the content you post on Likeplan, so ensure your contributions are authentic and avoid sharing material you’ve copied or collected from the internet without the necessary permissions. 
  • Aim to post visual content that is suitable for our diverse audience.
  • Promote meaningful and authentic interactions within our community. 
  • Do not impersonate others or create accounts with the intention of violating our guidelines or misleading fellow members. 
  • It is essential to comply with the law while using Likeplan. Our platform does not condone support for terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. Trading or facilitating the exchange of sexual services, firearms, alcohol, tobacco products among private individuals, or non-medical pharmaceutical drugs is strictly prohibited. We also remove content related to trading, coordinating trades, donations, gifting, or requests for non-medical drugs, as well as any content that admits to personal drug use (except within the context of recovery) or promotes the use of non-medical drugs. Always adhere to legal requirements when buying or selling regulated goods. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy concerning the sharing of sexual content involving minors or the threat to post intimate images of others.
  • Respect your fellow members within the Likeplan community. We strive to cultivate a positive, diverse environment, and we will remove content that includes credible threats or hate speech, targets private individuals for the purpose of degradation or shaming, divulges personal information meant for blackmail or harassment, or involves the sending of unwanted messages.

Contributing to the strength of our community is a shared responsibility:

  • Each one of us plays a vital role in the Likeplan community. If you come across anything that you believe contravenes our guidelines, please assist us by utilizing our built-in reporting feature. Our team promptly reviews these reports and takes necessary actions to remove content that fails to meet our standards. In cases where both the imagery and associated captions violate our guidelines, entire posts may be removed.
  • You may encounter content you disagree with, but which doesn’t violate our Community Guidelines. If this happens, you have the option to block the person responsible for the content.

We appreciate your contribution to building one of the world’s finest communities.


The Likeplan Team